Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Dorothy Atkinson
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Atkinson, Dorothy
Atkinson, Dorothy and Rolph, Sheena
Atkinson, Dorothy; Cooper, Mabel and Ferris, Gloria
Atkinson, Dorothy
Atkinson, Dorothy
Atkinson, Dorothy
Atkinson, Dorothy
Atkinson, Dorothy; McCarthy, Michelle; Walmsley, Jan; Cooper, Mabel; Rolph, Sheena; Aspis, Simone; Barette, Pam; Coventry, Mary and Ferris, Gloria eds. (2000). Good Times, Bad Times: Women with Learning Difficulties Telling their Stories. Kidderminster: BILD Publications.
Atkinson, Dorothy; Jackson, Mark and Walmsley, Jan eds. (1997). Forgotten lives: Exploring the History of Learning Disability. Kidderminster: BILD Publications.
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Bigby, Christine and Atkinson, Dorothy
Brigham, Lindsay; Atkinson, Dorothy; Jackson, Mark; Rolph, Sheena and Walmsley, Jan eds. (2000). Crossing Boundaries: Change and Continuity in the History of Learning Disability. Kidderminster: BILD Publications.
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Forbat, Liz and Atkinson, Dorothy
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Hamilton, Carol and Atkinson, Dorothy
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Ingham, Nigel and Atkinson, Dorothy
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Rolph, Sheena and Atkinson, Dorothy
Rolph, Sheena; Atkinson, Dorothy; Nind, Melanie and Welshman, John [eds.] (2005). Witnesses to change: families, learning difficulties and history. UK: British Institute of Learning Disabilities Publications.
Rolph, Sheena; Atkinson, Dorothy and Walmsley, Jan
Rolph, Sheena; Walmsley, Jan and Atkinson, Dorothy
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Tilley, Elizabeth; Earle, Sarah; Walmsley, Jan and Atkinson, Dorothy