Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Doreen Massey

41 items in this list.
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2008To Top

Massey, Doreen (2008). When theory meets politics. Antipode, 40(3) pp. 492–497.

Massey, Doreen (2008). Geography of high-tech spaces: Some reflections. In: Ramachandraiah, C; van Westen, A. C. M. and Prasad, Sheela eds. High-Tech Urban Spaces: Asian and European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 53–67.

2007To Top

Massey, Doreen and Meegan, Richard (2007). Foreward. In: Tickell, Adam; Sheppard, Eric; Peck, Jamie and Barnes, Trevor eds. Politics and practice in economic geography. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Massey, Doreen (2007). World city. UK: Polity Press.

Urry, John; Dingwall, Robert; Gough, Ian; Omerod, Paul; Massey, Doreen; Scott, John and Thrift, Nigel (2007). What is 'social' about social science? Twenty-First Century Society, 2(1) pp. 95–119.

2006To Top

Harrison, Stephan; Massey, Doreen and Richards, Keith (2006). Complexity and emergence (another conversation). Area, 38(4) pp. 465–471.

Bassda (2006). A kind of queer geography/Räume Durchqueeren: The Doreen Massey reading weekends. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 13(2) pp. 173–186.

Massey, Doreen (2006). London inside-out. Soundings(32) pp. 62–71.

Massey, Doreen (2006). The geographical mind. In: Balderstone, David ed. Secondary geography handbook. UK: Geographical Association, pp. 46–51.

2005To Top

Greenhough, Beth; Jazeel, Tariq and Massey, Doreen (2005). Introduction: geographical encounters with the Indian Ocean tsunami. The Geographical Journal, 171(4) pp. 369–371.

Massey, Doreen B. (2005). For space. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Massey, Doreen (2005). Reflection on some materials in King's Wood. In: Kent, Liz and Drew, Sandra eds. King's Wood: a context. Stour Valley Arts, pp. 25–30.

Massey, Doreen (2005). Negotiating nonhuman/human place. Antipode, 37(2) pp. 353–357.

2004To Top

Harrison, Stephan; Massey, Doreen; Richards, Keith; Magilligan, Francis J.; Thrift, Nigel and Bender, Barbara (2004). Thinking across the divide: perspectives on the conversations between physical and human geography. Area, 36(4) pp. 435–442.

Massey, Doreen (2004). The Responsibilities of place. Local Economy, 19(2) pp. 97–101.

Massey, Doreen (2004). Geographies of responsibility. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 86(1) pp. 5–18.

Massey, Doreen; Amin, Ash and Thrift, Nigel (2004). An alternative regional strategy. Association of Regional Observatories.

Massey, D.B. (2004). Lugar, identidad y geografías de la responsabilidad en un mundo en proceso de globalización. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 57 pp. 77–84.

2003To Top

Amin, Ash; Massey, Doreen and Thrift, Nigel (2003). Regions, democracy and the geography of power. Soundings, 25 pp. 57–70.

Massey, Doreen (2003). Foreword. In: Adams, John; Robinson, Peter and Vigor, Anthony eds. A New regional policy for the UK. London, UK: Institute for Public Policy Research.

Massey, Doreen and Thrift, Nigel (2003). The passion of place. In: Johnston, Ron and Williams, Michael eds. A Century of British geography. British Academy Centenary Monographs. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press/British Academy, pp. 275–299.

Massey, Doreen; Amin, Ash and Thrift, Nigel (2003). Decentering the nation: a radical approach to regional inequality. Catalyst, London, UK.

Massey, Doreen (2003). Imagining the field. In: Pryke, Michael; Rose, Gillian and Whatmore, Sarah eds. Using social theory: thinking through research. UK: Sage Publications.

Massey, Doreen (2003). Some times of space. In: May, Susan ed. Olafur Eliasson: The Weather Project. London, UK: Tate Modern.

2002To Top

Massey, Doreen (2002). Geography, policy and politics: a response to Dorling and Shaw. Progress in Human Geography, 26(5) pp. 645–646.

Massey, Doreen (2002). Geography matters in a globalised world. In: Smith, Margaret ed. Teching geography in secondary schools: a reader. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 266–272.

Massey, D.B. (2002). Don't let's counterpose place and space. Development, 45(1) pp. 24–25.

2001To Top

1998To Top

Allen, John; Massey, Doreen; Cochrane, Allan; Charlesworth, Julie; Court, Gill; Henry, Nick and Sarre, Philip (1998). Rethinking the region. London: Routledge.

1995To Top

Henry, Nick; Massey, Doreen and Wield, David (1995). Along the road: R & D, society and space. Research Policy, 24(5) pp. 707–726.

1993To Top

1992To Top

Massey, Doreen and Wield, David (1992). Science parks: a concept in science, society, and 'space' (a realist tale). Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 10(4) pp. 411–422.

Massey, Doreen and Wield, David (1992). Evaluating science parks. Local Economy, 7(1) pp. 10–25.

1991To Top

Ginwala, Frene; Mackintosh, Maureen and Massey, Doreen (1991). Gender and Economic Policy in A Democratic South Africa. DPP Working Paper 21; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

1987To Top

Massey, Doreen (1987). The shape of things to come. In: Peet, Richard ed. International capitalism and industrial restructuring: a critical analysis. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, pp. 105–122.


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