Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Craig Storey

6 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 13:47:08 2025 GMT.

2007To Top

Anczkiewicz, R.; Szczepanski, J.; Mazur, S.; Storey, C.; Crowley, Q.; Villa, I. M.; Thirlwall, M. E. and Jeffries, T. E. (2007). Lu-Hf geochronology and trace element distribution in garnet: Implications for uplift and exhumation of ultra-high pressure granulites in the Sudetes, SW Poland. Lithos, 95(3-4) pp. 363–380.

2006To Top

Edfelt, Åsa; Sandrin, Alessandro; Evins, Paul; Jeffries, Teresa; Storey, Craig; Elming, Sten-Åke and Martinsson, Olof (2006). Stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the host rocks to the Tjårrojåkka Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits, Kiruna area, northern Sweden. GFF, 128(3) pp. 221–232.

Murphy, J. B.; Keppie, J. D.; Nance, R. D.; Miller, B. V.; Dostal, J.; Middleton, M.; Fernandez-Suarez, J.; Jeffries, T. E. and Storey, C. D. (2006). Geochemistry and U–Pb protolith ages of eclogitic rocks of the Asís Lithodeme, Piaxtla Suite, Acatlán Complex, southern Mexico: tectonothermal activity along the southern margin of the Rheic Ocean. Journal of the Geological Society, 163(4) pp. 683–695.

Keppie, J. D.; Nance, R. D.; Fernandez-Suarez, J.; Storey, C. D.; Jeffries, T. E. and Murphy, J. B. (2006). Detrital Zircon Data from the Eastern Mixteca Terrane, Southern Mexico: Evidence for an Ordovician—Mississippian Continental Rise and a Permo-Triassic Clastic Wedge Adjacent to Oaxaquia. International Geology Review, 48(2) pp. 97–111.

Storey, C. D.; Jeffries, T. E. and Smith, M. (2006). Common lead-corrected laser ablation ICP-MS U-Pb systematics and geochronology of titanite. Chemical Geology, 227(1-2) pp. 37–52.

2005To Top


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