Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Carrie Purcell

31 items in this list.
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Purcell, Carrie and Maxwell, Karen (2023). Case Study 4.4: QSA in the Sexuality and Abortion Stigma Study. In: Weller, Susie; Davidson, Emma; Edwards, Rosalind and Jamieson, Lynn eds. Big Qual: A Guide to Breadth-and-Depth Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 95–96.

Purcell, C. (2014). Phenomenology. In: Cockerham, W. C.; Dingwall, R. and Quah, S. eds. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. Not Set, pp. 1825–1829.

Purcell, Carrie (2013). Touch in holistic massage: ambiguities and boundaries. In: Wolkowitz, Carol; Lara Cohen, Rachel and Sanders, Teela eds. Body/Sex/Work: Intimate, embodied and sexualised labour. Bloomsbury, pp. 175–190.

Journal ItemTo Top

Wilson-Lowe, Rachel; Purcell, Carrie; Lewis, Ruth and McDaid, Lisa (2024). Seeking support for abortion online: A qualitative study of women’s experiences. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 50 pp. 172–177.

O’Shaughnessy, Aideen and Purcell, Carrie (2024). Shifting discourses, changing interests? How the language of sexual and reproductive health has evolved in the past 50 years. BMJ Sexual Reproductive Health (Early access).

Purcell, Carrie; Purvis, Anthony; Cleland, John G F; Cowie, Aynsley; Dalal, Hasnain M; Ibbotson, Tracy; Murphy, Clare and Taylor, Rod S (2023). Home-based cardiac rehabilitation for people with heart failure and their caregivers: a mixed-methods analysis of the roll out an evidence-based programme in Scotland (SCOT:REACH-HF study). European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(8) pp. 804–8013.

Purcell, Carrie; Dibben, Grace; Hilton Boon, Michele; Matthews, Lynsay; Palmer, Victoria J.; Thomson, Meigan; Smillie, Susie; Simpson, Sharon A. and Taylor, Rod S. (2023). Social network interventions to support cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention in the management of people with heart disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023(6), article no. CD013820.

Mitchell, Kirstin R.; Purcell, Carrie; Simpson, Sharon A.; Broccatelli, Chiara; Bailey, Julia V.; Barry, Sarah J. E.; Elliott, Lawrie; Forsyth, Ross; Hunter, Rachael; McCann, Mark; McDaid, Lisa; Wetherall, Kirsty and Moore, Laurence (2021). Feasibility study of peer-led and school-based social network Intervention (STASH) to promote adolescent sexual health. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7, article no. 125.

Purcell, Carrie; Smillie, Susie; Hilton Boon, Michele; Simpson, Sharon A and Taylor, Rod S (2021). Effectiveness of social network interventions to support cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention in the management of people with heart disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, article no. CD013820.

Hirvonen, Maija; Purcell, Carrie; Elliott, Lawrie; Bailey, Julia V; Simpson, Sharon Anne; McDaid, Lisa; Moore, Laurence; Mitchell, Kirstin Rebecca and The STASH Study Team (2021). Peer-to-Peer Sharing of Social Media Messages on Sexual Health in a School-Based Intervention: Opportunities and Challenges Identified in the STASH Feasibility Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2) e20898.

Purcell, Carrie; Maxwell, Karen; Bloomer, Fiona; Rowlands, Sam and Hoggart, Lesley (2020). Toward normalising abortion: Findings from a qualitative secondary analysis study. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 22(12) pp. 1349–1364.

Maxwell, Karen J.; Hoggart, Lesley; Bloomer, Fiona; Rowlands, Sam and Purcell, Carrie (2020). Normalising abortion: what role can health professionals play? BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 47(1) pp. 32–36.

Purcell, Carrie; Daw, Paulina; Kerr, Claire; Cleland, J; Cowie, Aynsley; Dalal, Hasnain M; Ibbotson, Tracy; Murphy, Clare and Taylor, Rod (2020). Protocol for an implementation study of an evidence-based home cardiac rehabilitation programme for people with heart failure and their caregivers in Scotland (SCOT:REACH-HF). BMJ Open, 10(12), article no. e040771.

Mitchell, Kirstin R; Purcell, Carrie; Forsyth, Ross; Barry, Sarah; Hunter, Rachael; Simpson, Sharon A; McDaid, Lisa; Elliot, Lawrie; McCann, Mark; Wetherall, Kirsty; Broccatelli, Chiara; Bailey, Julia V and Moore, Laurence (2020). A peer-led intervention to promote sexual health in secondary schools: the STASH feasibility study. Public Health Research, 8(15) pp. 1–152.

Kneale, Dylan; French, Robert; Spandler, Helen; Young, Ingrid; Purcell, Carrie; Boden, Zoë; Brown, Steve D.; Callwood, Dan; Carr, Sarah; Dymock, Alex; Eastham, Rachael; Gabb, Jacqui; Henley, Josie; Jones, Charlotte; McDermott, Elizabeth; Mkhwanazi, Nolwazi; Ravenhill, James; Reavey, Paula; Scott, Rachel; Smith, Clarissa; Smith, Matthew; Thomas, James and Tingay, Karen (2019). Conducting sexualities research: an outline of emergent issues and case studies from ten Wellcome-funded projects. Wellcome Open Research, 4, article no. 137.

Forsyth, Ross; Purcell, Carrie; Barry, Sarah; Simpson, Sharon; Hunter, Rachael; McDaid, Lisa; Elliot, Lawrie; Bailey, Julia; Wetherall, Kirsty; McCann, Mark; Broccatelli, Chiara; Moore, Laurence and Mitchell, Kirstin (2018). Peer-led intervention to prevent and reduce STI transmission and improve sexual health in secondary schools (STASH): protocol for a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4(1), article no. 180.

Purcell, C.; Cameron, S.; Lawton, J.; Glasier, A. and Harden, J. (2017). Self-management of first trimester medical termination of pregnancy: a qualitative study of women's experiences. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 124(13) pp. 2001–2008.

Purcell, C; Riddell, J; Brown, A; Cameron, ST; Melville, C; Flett, G; Bhushan, Y and McDaid, L (2017). Women's experiences of more than one termination of pregnancy within two years: a mixed-methods study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 124(13) pp. 1983–1992.

Purcell, Carrie; Brown, Audrey; Melville, Catriona and McDaid, Lisa M (2017). Women’s embodied experiences of second trimester medical abortion. Feminism & Psychology, 27(2) pp. 163–185.

Purcell, Carrie; Cameron, Sharon; Lawton, Julia; Glasier, Anna and Harden, Jeni (2017). The changing body work of abortion: a qualitative study of the experiences of health professionals. Sociology of Health & Illness, 39(1) pp. 78–94.

Heller, R.; Purcell, C.; Mackay, L.; Caird, L. and Cameron, S. T. (2016). Barriers to accessing termination of pregnancy in a remote and rural setting: a qualitative study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 123(10) pp. 1684–1691.

Melville, C.; Brown, A.; Cameron, S.; Caird, L.; Flett, G; Laird, G.; McDaid, L. and Purcell, C. (2015). Access to later termination of pregnancy in Scotland: the impact of travel. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 122 pp. 11–12.

Purcell, Carrie; Cameron, Sharon; Caird, Lucy; Flett, Gillian; Laird, George; Melville, Catriona and McDaid, Lisa M. (2014). Access to and Experience of Later Abortion: Accounts from Women in Scotland. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 46(2) pp. 101–108.

OtherTo Top

Purcell, Carrie; Young, Ingrid; Boydell, Nicola; Riddell, Julie; Lewis, Ruth and Basra, Santini (2024). Developing a sexual and reproductive justice agenda for research and policy in Scotland: A report of the first phase of the SRJ Scotland project. IReSH Network; The Open University in Scotland; Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society, The University of Edinburgh.


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