Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Carry Van Lieshout
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Bennett, Robert J.; Smith, Harry; Montebruno, Piero and Van Lieshout, Carry
Bennett, Robert J.; Montebruno, Piero; Van Lieshout, Carry and Smith, Harry
Bishop, Catherine; Aston, Jennifer and Van Lieshout, Carry
Bennett, Robert J.; Smith, Harry; Van Lieshout, Carry; Montebruno, Piero and Newton, Gill (2019). The Age of Entrepreneurship: Business proprietors, self-employment and corporations since 1851. Abingdon: Routledge.
ETo Top
Endfield, Georgina H. and Van Lieshout, Carry
Endfield, Georgina and Van Lieshout, Carry
GTo Top
Green, David R.; Owens, Alastair; Swan, Claire and van Lieshout, Carry
MTo Top
Montebruno, Piero; Bennett, Robert J.; Smith, Harrry and Van Lieshout, Carry
Montebruno, Piero; Bennett, Robert J.; Van Lieshout, Carry and Smith, Harry
Montebruno, Piero; Bennett, Robert J.; Van Lieshout, Carry; Smith, Harry and Satchell, Max
RTo Top
Rutterford, Janette; Sotiropoulos, Dimitris and Van Lieshout, Carry
Rutterford, Janette; Sotiropoulos, Dimitris P. and Van Lieshout, Carry
STo Top
Smith, Harry; Bennett, Robert J.; Van Lieshout, Carry and Montebruno, Piero
Sotiropoulos, Dimitris P.; Rutterford, Janette and Van Lieshout, Carry
Smith, Harry; Bennett, Robert J.; van Lieshout, Carry and Montebruno, Piero
Smith, Harry; Bennett, Robert J. and Van Lieshout, Carry
Smith, Harry; Bennett, Robert J. and Van Lieshout, Carry
VTo Top
van Lieshout, Carry
van Lieshout, Carry
van Lieshout, Carry; Bennett, Robert J. and Smith, Harry J.
Van Lieshout, Carry and Newman, Benjamin
Van Lieshout, Carry; Bennett, Robert J. and Smith, Harry
Van Lieshout, Carry; Smith, Harry and Bennett, Robert J.
Van Lieshout, Carry; Smith, Harry; Montebruno, Piero and Bennett, Robert J.
Van Lieshout, Carry
Van Lieshout, Carry
Van Lieshout, Carry
Van Lieshout, Carry
Van Lieshout, Carry