Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Carry Van Lieshout

29 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 18 08:23:55 2025 GMT.

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Bennett, Robert J.; Montebruno, Piero; Van Lieshout, Carry and Smith, Harry (2022). Business Entry and Exit: Career Changes of Proprietors in England and Wales (1851–81) Using Record-Linkage. Social Science History, 46(2) pp. 255–289.

Bishop, Catherine; Aston, Jennifer and Van Lieshout, Carry (2021). Bringing Businesswomen to a Count: A Transnational Methodological Experiment Researching Nineteenth-Century Businesswomen. Australian Historical Studies, 52(2) pp. 227–246.

Bennett, Robert J.; Smith, Harry; Van Lieshout, Carry; Montebruno, Piero and Newton, Gill (2019). The Age of Entrepreneurship: Business proprietors, self-employment and corporations since 1851. Abingdon: Routledge.

ETo Top

Endfield, Georgina and Van Lieshout, Carry (2017). Contested subterranean waterscapes: lead mining sough disputes in Derbyshire’s Derwent Valley. In: Vallerani, Francesco and Visentin, Francesco eds. Waterways and the cultural landscape. London: Routledge.

GTo Top

Green, David R.; Owens, Alastair; Swan, Claire and van Lieshout, Carry (2011). Assets of the dead: wealth, investment, and modernity in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century England and Wales. In: Green, David R.; Owens, Alistair; Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette eds. Men, women, and money: perspectives on gender, wealth, and investment 1850-1930. Oxford University Press.

MTo Top

Montebruno, Piero; Bennett, Robert J.; Smith, Harrry and Van Lieshout, Carry (2020). Machine learning classification of entrepreneurs in British historical census data. Information Processing & Management, 57(3), article no. 102210.

Montebruno, Piero; Bennett, Robert J.; Van Lieshout, Carry and Smith, Harry (2019). A tale of two tails: Do Power Law and Lognormal models fit firm-size distributions in the mid-Victorian era? Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 523 pp. 858–875.

Montebruno, Piero; Bennett, Robert J.; Van Lieshout, Carry; Smith, Harry and Satchell, Max (2019). Shifts in agrarian entrepreneurship in mid-Victorian England and Wales. Agricultural History Review, 67(1) pp. 71–108.

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STo Top

Smith, Harry; Bennett, Robert J.; Van Lieshout, Carry and Montebruno, Piero (2021). Entrepreneurship in Scotland, 1851–1911. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 41(1) pp. 38–64.

Smith, Harry; Bennett, Robert J.; van Lieshout, Carry and Montebruno, Piero (2021). Households and entrepreneurship in England and Wales, 1851–1911. The History of the Family, 26(1) pp. 100–122.

Smith, Harry; Bennett, Robert J. and Van Lieshout, Carry (2020). Entrepreneurship in Birmingham and Manchester, 1851-1911: A Tale of Two Cities? Midland History, 45(3) pp. 357–380.

Smith, Harry; Bennett, Robert J. and Van Lieshout, Carry (2019). Immigrant business proprietors in England and Wales (1851–1911). Continuity and Change, 34(2) pp. 253–276.

VTo Top

Van Lieshout, Carry and Newman, Benjamin (2023). Historical geographies. In: Lees, Loretta and Demeritt, David eds. Concise Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 185–189.

Van Lieshout, Carry; Bennett, Robert J. and Smith, Harry (2021). The British Business Census of Entrepreneurs and firm-size, 1851-1881: new data for economic and business historians. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 54(3) pp. 129–150.

Van Lieshout, Carry; Smith, Harry and Bennett, Robert J. (2020). Female entrepreneurship in England and Wales, 1851-1911. In: Aston, Jennifer and Bishop, Catherine eds. Female Entrepreneurs in the Long Nineteenth Century: Towards a Global Perspective. Palgrave Studies in Economic History. Palgrave Macmillan.

Van Lieshout, Carry; Smith, Harry; Montebruno, Piero and Bennett, Robert J. (2019). Female entrepreneurship: business, marriage and motherhood in England and Wales, 1851–1911. Social History, 44(4) pp. 440–468.

Van Lieshout, Carry (2016). British Environmental History. Areas: revista internacional de ciencias sociales, 35 pp. 27–35.


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