Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Clive Emsley

67 items in this list.
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2019To Top

2018To Top

Emsley, Clive (2018). ‘Du concept à l’institution: Les spécifités du mot “police” en langue anglaise’. In: Cicchini, Marco and Denis, Vincent eds. Le Nœud gordien. Police et justice: des Lumières à l’État libéral (1750-1850). Chêne-Bourg, Switzerland: Georg, pp. 47–69.

2017To Top

2016To Top

Emsley, Clive (2016). Crime and Policing in Wartime. In: Knepper, Paul and Johansen, Anja eds. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Crime and Criminal Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 519–536.

2013To Top

2012To Top

Emsley, Clive (2012). Crucifying Tommy: punishment in the First World War. History Today, 62(11) pp. 29–35.

Emsley, Clive (2012). Marketing the brand: exporting British police models 1829-1950. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 6(1) pp. 43–54.

2011To Top

Emsley, Clive and Sinclair, Georgina (2011). Bobbies Abroad. History Today, 61(10) pp. 49–51.

Emsley, Clive ed. (2011). Theories and Origins of the Modern Police. The History of Policing, 1. Farnham: Ashgate.

2010To Top

Emsley, Clive (2010). A legacy of conflict? The ‘brutalised veteran’ and violence in Europe after the Great War. In: Avdela, Efi; D'Cruze, Shani and Rowbotham, Judith eds. Problems of Crime and Violence in Europe, 1780-2000: Essays in Criminal Justice. UK: Edwin Mellen Press, pp. 43–64.

2009To Top

2008To Top

Emsley, Clive (2008). Behind the wooden walls: the British defence against invasion, 1803-1805. In: Harding, Richard ed. A Great and Glorious Victory: New perspectives on the Battle of Trafalgar. Barnsley: Seaforth, pp. 80–89.

2007To Top

Emsley, Clive (2007). Community Policing/Policing and Communities: Some Historical Perspectives. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 1(2) pp. 235–243.

Emsley, Clive (2007). Historical perspectives on crime. In: Maguire, Mike; Morgan, Rod and Reiner, Robert eds. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. 4th edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 122–138.

Emsley, Clive (2007). Entrepreneurs prives, fonctionnaires et juristes: Les transformations de la procedure judiciaire dans l'Angleterre du XIXe siecle. In: Farcy, Jean-Claude; Kalifa, Dominique and Luc, Jean-Noel eds. L'enquete judiciaire en Europe au XIXe siecle. Paris: Creaphis, pp. 43–58.

2006To Top

Emsley, Clive and Shpayer-Makov, Haia eds. (2006). Police Detectives in History, 1750-1950. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Williams, Chris and Emsley, Clive (2006). Beware of the Leopard? Police archives in Great Britain. In: Procter, M and Cook, M. G. eds. Political Pressure and the Archival Record. Chicago, UK: Society of American Archivists, pp. 227–235.

Emsley, Clive (2006). Security work: citizens, employees and officials working on crime - a response. In: Levy, Rene; Muchielli, Laurent and Zauberman, Renee eds. Crime et Insecurite: Un Demi-Siecle de Bouleversements. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 281–286.

Emsley, Clive (2006). From ex-con to expert: the police detective in 19th-century France. In: Emsley, Clive and Shpayer-Makov, Haia eds. Police Detectives in History, 1750–1950. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 61–78.

Emsley, Clive (2006). Recidivists and recidivism: some broad conclusions from the English experience. In: Briegel, Francoise and Porret, Michel eds. Le criminal endurci: Recidive e trecidivists du Moyen Age au XXe siecle. Geneva: Droz, pp. 171–185.

2005To Top

Emsley, Clive (2005). Sergeant Goddard: the story of a rotten apple or a diseased orchard? In: Srebnik, Amy Gilman and Levy, Rene eds. Crime and culture: an historical perspective. Advances in Criminology. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 85–104.

Emsley, Clive (2005). Hard Men: Violence in England since 1750. London, UK: Hambledon Press.

Emsley, Clive (2005). The changes in policing and penal policy in nineteenth-century Europe. In: Godfrey, Barry and Dunstall, Graeme eds. Crime and Empire, 1840-1940 : Criminal Justice in Local and Global Context. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 8–24.

2004To Top

Emsley, Clive (2004). Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900. 3rd edition. Themes in British Social History. Harlow, UK: Pearson Longman.

Emsley, Clive; Johnson, Eric and Spierenburg, Pieter eds. (2004). Social Control in Europe 1800-2000. Columbus, OH,: Ohio State University Press.

Emsley, Clive (2004). The Second World War and the police in England and Wales. In: Fijnaut, Cyrille ed. The Impact of World War II on Policing in North West Europe. Samenleving Criminaliteit en Strafrechtspleging (27). Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 151–172.

Emsley, Clive (2004). Control and legitimacy: the police in comparative perspective since circa 1800. In: Emsley, Clive; Johnson, Eric and Spierenburg, Pieter eds. Social Control in Europe, Volume 2 1800-2000. History of crime and criminal justice series. Columbus OH: Ohio State University Press, pp. 193–209.

Emsley, Clive (2004). The Police. In: Bogdanor, Vernon ed. The British Constitution in the Twentieth Century. UK: Oxford University Press/British Academy, pp. 557–583.

2003To Top

Godfrey, Barry; Emsley, Clive and Dunstall, Graeme eds. (2003). Comparative Histories of Crime. UK: Willan Publishing.

Emsley, Clive (2003). Crime, police and penal policy. In: Wrigley, Chris ed. A Companion to Early Twentieth-Century Britain. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 438–452.

Emsley, Clive (2003). Policemen on a dark continent in an age of extremes. In: Oram, Gerard ed. Conflict and Legality: Policing mid-twentieth-century Europe. London: Francis Boutle, pp. 192–212.

Emsley, Clive (2003). The birth and development of the police. In: Newburn, Tim ed. Handbook of Policing. Willan Publishing, pp. 66–83.

Emsley, Clive (2003). Police, maintien de l'ordre et espaces urbains: une lecture anglaise. Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 50(1) pp. 5–12.

2002To Top

Emsley, Clive (2002). The English police: A unique development? In: Bottoms, Anthony and Tonry, Michael eds. Ideology, Crime and Criminal Justice: A symposium in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 74–93.

Emsley, Clive (2002). La gendarmerie et l'état. In: Luc, Jean-Noël ed. Gendarmerie, État et Société au XIXe Siècle. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, pp. 475–477.

Emsley, Clive and Clapson, Mark (2002). Street, beat and respectability : the culture and self-image of the Victorian and Edwardian policeman. In: Knafla, Louis A. ed. Policing and War in Europe: Criminal Justice History, Volume 16. Greenwood Press, pp. 107–131.

2001To Top

Marwick, Arthur; Emsley, Clive and Simpson, Wendy eds. (2001). Total War and Historical Change: Europe 1914-1955. Buckinghamshire: Open University Press.

2000To Top

Emsley, Clive (2000). The Policeman as worker: a comparative survey c. 1800-1940. International Review of Social History, 45(1) pp. 89–110.

Emsley, Clive (2000). The best way to keep the peace in a country : Napoleon's gendarmes and their legacy. In: Laven, David and Riall, Lucy eds. Napoleon's Legacy: Problems of Government in Restoration Europe. Oxford: Berg, pp. 257–274.

Bessel, Richard and Emsley, Clive eds. (2000). Patterns of Provocation: Police and Public Disorder. UK: Berghahn Books.

Emsley, Clive; Levy, Rene and Rousseaux, Xavier (2000). The theory and practice of justice: laws, norms, deviance. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, pp. 155–166.

Emsley, Clive (2000). The Pop-Gun Plot, 1794. In: Davis, Michael T. ed. Radicalism and Revolution in Britain, 1775-1848: Essays in Honour of Malcolm I. Thomis. London: Macmillan, pp. 56–68.

1999To Top

Emsley, Clive (1999). P.C. Dixon and Commissaire Maigret: some myths and realities in the development of English and continental police. In: Howell, David W. and Morgan, Kenneth O. eds. Crime, Protest and Police in Modern British Society: essays in memory of David J. V. Jones. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 97–117.

Emsley, Clive (1999). Law reform and penal reform in England in the age of the French Revolution. In: Rousseaux, Xavier; Bouchat, Marie-Sylvie Dupont and Vael, Claude eds. Revolutions et justice penale. Modeles francais et traditions nationales. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 319–331.

Emsley, Clive and Phillips, Sabine (1999). The Habsburg gendarmerie: a research agenda. German History, 17(2) pp. 241–250.

Emsley, Clive (1999). The origins of the modern police. History Today, 49(4) pp. 8–14.

Emsley, Clive (1999). La historia de la delincuencia y la justicia penal (1750-1914): una relexion sobre los estudios actuales. In: Paniagua, J; Piqueras, J.A. and Sanz, V eds. Cultura social y politica en el mundo del trabajo. Biblioteca Historia Social (3). Valencia: Fundación Instituto de Historia Social, pp. 85–103.

Emsley, Clive (1999). A typology of nineteenth-century police. Crime, History and Societies, 3(1) pp. 29–44.

1998To Top

Emsley, Clive (1998). Les gendarmes et les paysans: vers une histoire institutionnelle et sociale comparée. In: Chauvaud, Frédéric and Petit, Jacques-Guy eds. L'histoire comtemporaine et les usages des archives judiciaires (1800-1939). Histoire et Archives, revue semestrielle de la Société des Amis des Archives de France (2). Paris: Honoré Champion, pp. 305–315.

1997To Top

Emsley, Clive (1997). The nation-state, the law and the peasant in nineteenth-century Europe. In: Rousseaux, Xavier and Lévy, René eds. Le pénal dans tous ses États: justice, États et sociétés en Europe (XIe-XXe siècles). Publications des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis (74). Brussels: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, pp. 153–178.

Emsley, Clive (1997). Political police and the European nation-state in the nineteenth century. In: Mazower, Mark ed. The Policing of Politics in the Twentieth Century: Historical Perspectives. Providence, RI: Berghahn Books, pp. 1–25.

Emsley, Clive (1997). The regulation of motor traffic in Britain. In: Kellens, Georges and Perez Dias, Claudine eds. Le Contrôle de la Circulation Routière dans les Pays de la CEE. Logiques sociales. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 77–89.

1996To Top

Emsley, Clive (1996). Albion's fatal attractions: Reflections upon the history of crime in England. In: Emsley, Clive and Knafla, Louis A eds. Crime History and Histories of Crime: Studies in the Historiography of Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern History. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, pp. 67–85.

1995To Top

Emsley, Clive (1995). The archives of the English and Welsh police forces: a survey. In: Knafla, Louis A. and Binne, Susan W.S. eds. Law, Society and the State: Essays in Modern Legal History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 465–476.

1991To Top


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