Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ben Vincent
BookTo Top
Vincent, Ben (2020). Non-Binary Genders: Navigating Communities, Identities, and Healthcare. Bristol: Policy Press.
Vincent, Ben (2018). Transgender Health: A Practitioner's Guide to Binary and Non-Binary Trans Patient Care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Edited BookTo Top
Vincent, Ben; Erikainen, Sonja and Pearce, Ruth eds. (2020). TERF Wars: Feminism and the fight for transgender futures. The Sociological Review Monograph Series, 68 (4). London: Sage.
Book SectionTo Top
Callahan, Evelyn; Vincent, Ben and Holti, Richard
Journal ItemTo Top
Holti, Richard; Callahan, Evelyn; Fletcher, Jamie; Hope, Sam; Moller, Naomi; Vincent, Ben and Walley, Paul
Holti, Richard; Callahan, Evelyn; Fletcher, Jamie; Hope, Sam; Moller, Naomi; Vincent, Ben and Walley, Paul
Erikainen, Sonja; Vincent, Ben and Hopkins, Al
Pearce, Ruth; Erikainen, Sonja and Vincent, Ben
Pearce, Ruth; Erikainen, Sonja and Vincent, Ben
Adams, Noah J. and Vincent, Ben
Vincent, Ben
Vincent, Ben and Erikainen, Sonja
Vincent, Benjamin William
Lewis, Emma-Ben; Vincent, Ben; Brett, Alex; Gibson, Sarah and Walsh, Reubs J
OtherTo Top
Vincent, Ben; Callahan, Evelyn; Borgstrom, Erica and Holti, Richard (2022). Healthcare Professionals’ Experiences of Pandemics: a rapid review of qualitative research. The Open University, Milton Keynes.