Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Alan Valdez Juarez

26 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 21:23:12 2025 GMT.

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Caprotti, Federico; Cugurullo, Federico; Cook, Matthew; Karvonen, Andrew; Marvin, Simon; McGuirk, Pauline and Valdez, Alan-Miguel (2024). Why does urban Artificial Intelligence (AI) matter for urban studies? Developing research directions in urban AI research. Urban Geography, 45(5) pp. 883–894.

Cook, Matthew; Valdez Juarez, AM; Catulli, Maurizio and Potter, Stephen (2021). Consuming the million-mile electric car. In: PLATE – Product lifetimes and the environment 3rd PLATE Conference, September 18–20, 2019 Berlin, Germany (Nissen, Nils F and Jaeger-Erben, Melanie eds.), Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, Berlin, pp. 155–160.

Cook, Matthew; Horne, Ralph; Potter, Stephen and Valdez, Alan-Miguel (2019). Exploring the epistemic politics of urban niche experiments. In: Jensen, Jens Stissing; Cashmore, Matthew and Späth, Philipp eds. The Politics of Urban Sustainability Transitions: Knowledge, Power and Governance. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 125–147.

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Naja, Iman; Valdez Juarez, Alan and Antonini, Alessio (2024). Social Media and Cities: a case-study based analysis of how digital life influences the urban physical environment. In: Proceedings of the 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 239–245.

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Potter, Stephen; Cook, Matthew and Valdez, Miguel (2024). Reinventing public transport: rising to the transition challenge. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences (Early Access).

Potter, Stephen; Warren, James; Valdez, Miguel and Cook, Matthew (2023). Toward an intelligent mobility regime. In: Droege, Peter ed. Intelligent Environments: advanced systems for a healthy planet, 2nd Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 323–350.

Potter, Stephen; Valdez, Alan-Miguel and Cook, Matthew (2019). Autonomous vehicles and the urban mobility ecosystem. In: Nuttall, William J; Gibson, David V; Trzmielak, Dariusz and Ibarra-Yunez, Alejandro eds. Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities. ICE Publishing, pp. 83–97.

Potter, Stephen and Valdez Juarez, Alan (2017). Shifting Smart City travel information systems to the Smart Region. In: Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, 4-6 Jan 2017, Dublin.

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Valdez, Miguel; Cook, Matthew and Potter, Stephen (2024). Exploring temporal pleats and folds: the role of urban AI and robotics in reinvigorating the cyborg city. In: Cugurullo, Federico; Caprotti, Federico; Cook, Matthew; Karvonen, Andrew; McGuirk, Pauline and Marvin, Simon eds. Artificial Intelligence and the City: Urbanistic Perspectives on AI. London: Routledge, pp. 136–154.

Valdez Juarez, Miguel; Wigley, Edward; Zanetti, Olly and Rose, Gillian (2020). Learning lessons for avoiding the inadvertent exclusion of communities from smart city projects. In: Aurigi, Alessandro and Odendaal, Nancy eds. Shaping Smart for Better Cities - Rethinking and Shaping Relationships Between Urban Space and Digital Technologies. London: Academic Press, pp. 221–237.

Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel; Cook, Matthew; Potter, Stephen and Langendahl, Per-Anders (2018). Exploring participatory visions of smart transport in Milton Keynes. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 171(4) pp. 204–210.

Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel and Valdez, Ruben (2017). Technocentric Neoliberalism and Okness - The Shaping of the City. In: Chiavi, Elena; Girao, Matilde; Garrido I Arnaiz, Pablo; Moura Veiga, Francisco; Ramos Ordonez, Francisco and Valdez, Ruben eds. On Relations in Architecture. Park Books, pp. 167–169.

Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel and Potter, Stephen (2014). Big data without Big Brother: emerging issues in smart transport in Milton Keynes. In: Digital Economy All-Hands Conference 2014, 3-5 Dec 2014, Imperial College, London.

Valdez, Alan-Miguel (2014). Urban sensing systems for behaviour change: emerging issues in a smart transport project in Milton Keynes. In: Proceedings of the ISM-Open Conference 2014 ‘Broadening the Scope', ISM-Open Institute for Social Marketing pp. 71–72.

WTo Top

Wolff, Annika; Valdez Juarez, Alan; Barker, Matthew; Potter, Stephen; Gooch, Daniel; Giles, Emilie and Miles, John (2017). Engaging with the Smart City Through Urban Data Games. In: Nijholt, Anton ed. Playable Cities: The City as a Digital Playground. Gaming Media and Social Effects (1). Springer, pp. 47–66.


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