Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Angela L. Coe

60 items in this list.
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Bottini, Cinzia; Cohen, Anthony S.; Erba, Elisabetta; Jenkyns, Hugh C. and Coe, Angela L. (2012). Osmium-isotope evidence for volcanism, weathering, and ocean mixing during the early Aptian OAE 1a. Geology, 40(7) pp. 583–586.

CTo Top

Coe, Angela L. (2022). Introduction to Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. In: Coe, Angela L. ed. Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. GSL Geoscience in Practice, 1. Bath, UK: The Geological Society of London, pp. 1–5.

Coe, Angela L. and Ray, David C. (2022). Sequence stratigraphy: using changes in relative sea-level and sediment supply to divide, correlate and understand the stratigraphical record. In: Coe, Angela L. ed. Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. GSL Geoscience in Practice, 1. Bath, UK: The Geological Society of London, pp. 141–160.

Caswell, Bryony A. and Coe, Angela L. (2012). A high-resolution shallow marine record of the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) Oceanic Anoxic Event from the East Midlands Shelf, UK. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 365-6 pp. 124–135.

Coe, Angela L.; Argles, Thomas; Rothery, David and Spicer, Robert (2010). Geological Field Techniques. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell in association with the OU.

Cohen, Anthony S.; Coe, Angela L.; Harding, Stephen M. and Schwark, Lorenz (2004). Osmium isotope evidence for the regulation of atmospheric CO2 by continental weathering. Geology, 32(2) pp. 157–160.

Coe, Angela L.; Bosence, Dam W.J.; Church, Kevin D.; Flint, Stephen S.; Howell, John A. and Wilson, R. Chris L. (2003). The Sedimentary record of sea-level change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press and the Open University.

Coe, A. L. (1995). A comparison of the Oxfordian successions of Dorset, Oxfordshire and Yorkshire. In: Taylor, P. D. ed. Field Geology of the British Jurassic. GSL Miscellaneous Titles. London, U.K.: The Geological Society, London, pp. 151–172.

DTo Top

Dickson, Alexander J.; Rees-Owen, Rhian L.; März, Christian; Coe, Angela L.; Cohen, Anthony S.; Pancost, Richard D.; Taylor, Kyle and Shcherbinia, Ekaterina (2014). The spread of marine anoxia on the northern Tethys margin during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Paleoceanography, 29(6) pp. 471–488.

GTo Top

Gibbard, Philip L.; Smith, Alan G.; Zalasiewicz, Jan A.; Barry, Tiffany; Cantrill, David; Coe, Angela L.; Cope, John C. W.; Gale, Andrew S.; Gregory, F. John; Powell, John H.; Rawson, Peter F.; Stone, Philip and Waters, Colin N. (2005). What status for the Quaternary? Boreas, 34(1) pp. 1–6.

Grant, Simon F.; Coe, Angela L. and Armstrong, Howard A. (1999). Sequence stratigraphy of the Coniacian of the Anglo-Paris Basin. Geological Magazine, 136(1) pp. 17–38.

HTo Top

Harper, David A.T.; Bown, Paul R and Coe, Angela L. (2022). Chronostratigraphy: understanding rocks and time. In: Coe, Angela L. ed. Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. GSL Geoscience in Practice, 1. Bath, UK: The Geological Society of London, pp. 227–243.

Harrald, Julie; Coe, Angela L.; Thomas, Rick M. and Hoggett, Murray (2021). Use of drones to analyse sedimentary successions exposed in the foreshore. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 132(3) pp. 253–268.

Hesselbo, Stephen P. and Coe, Angela L. (2000). Jurassic sequences of the Hebrides Basin, Isle of Skye, Scotland. In: Graham, J.R. and Ryan, A. eds. Field Trip Guidebook. Dublin: International Association of Sedimentologists, pp. 41–58.

ITo Top

Izon, G. J.; Cohen, A. S.; Coe, A. L.; Poulton, S. W. and Wagner, T. (2011). Mo-isotopes as tracers of Cretaceous ocean anoxia. In: Goldschmidt Conference 2011, 14-19 Aug 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

Izon, G. J.; Cohen, A. S. and Coe, A. L. (2010). A marine Mo-isotope record across OAE1a. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010., 13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco.

JTo Top

Julier, Adele C. M.; Jardine, Phillip E.; Adu-Bredu, Stephen; Coe, Angela L.; Fraser, Wesley T.; Lomax, Barry H.; Malhi, Yadvinder; Moore, Sam and Gosling, William D. (2019). Variability in modern pollen rain from moist and wet tropical forest plots in Ghana, West Africa. Grana, 58(1) pp. 45–62.

Julier, Adele C. M.; Jardine, Phillip E.; Adu-Bredu, Stephen; Coe, Angela L.; Duah-Gyamfi, Akwasi; Fraser, Wesley T.; Lomax, Barry H.; Malhi, Yavinder; Moore, Sam; Owusu-Afriyie, Kennedy and Gosling, William D. (2018). The modern pollen-vegetation relationship of a tropical forest-savannah mosaic landscape, Ghana, West Africa. Palynology, 42(3) pp. 324–338.

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MTo Top

Morgans-Bell, Helen S.; Coe, Angela L.; Hesselbo, Stephen P.; Jenkyns, Hugh C.; Weedon, Graham P.; Marshall, John E.A.; Tyson, Richard V. and Williams, Carolyn J. (2001). Integrated stratigraphy of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic) based on exposures and boreholes in south Dorset, UK. Geological Magazine, 138(5) pp. 511–539.

OTo Top

Ogg, James G.; Coe, Angela L.; Przybylski, Piotr A. and Wright, John K. (2010). Oxfordian magnetostratigraphy of Britain and its correlation to Tethyan regions and Pacific marine magnetic anomalies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289(3-4) pp. 433–448.

PTo Top

Przybylski, Piotr A.; Ogg, James G.; Wierzbowski, Andrzej; Coe, Angela L.; Hounslow, Mark W.; Wright, John K.; Atrops, François and Settles, Erik (2010). Magnetostratigraphic correlation of the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian boundary. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289(1-2) pp. 256–272.

Pearce, Christopher R.; Hesselbo, Stephen P. and Coe, Angela L. (2005). The mid-Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) positive carbon-isotope excursion recognised from fossil wood in the British Isles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 221(3-4) pp. 343–357.

RTo Top

Ruvalcaba Baroni, Itzel; Pohl, Alexandre; van Helmond, Niels A. G. M.; Papadomanolaki, Nina M.; Coe, Angela L.; Cohen, Anthony S.; van de Schootbrugge, Bas; Donnadieu, Yannick and Slomp, Caroline P. (2018). Ocean circulation in the Toarcian (Early Jurassic), a key control on deoxygenation and carbon burial on the European Shelf. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 33(9) pp. 994–1012.

STo Top

Swaby, Emily J.; Coe, Angela L.; Ansorge, Jörg; Caswell, Bryony A.; Hayward, Scott A. L.; Mander, Luke; Stevens, Liadan G. and McArdle, Aimee (2024). The fossil insect assemblage associated with the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) oceanic anoxic event from Alderton Hill, Gloucestershire, UK. PLOS ONE, 19(4), article no. e0299551.

VTo Top

Valencia, Bryan G.; Bush, Mark B.; Coe, Angela L.; Orren, Elizabeth and Gosling, William D. (2018). Polylepis woodland dynamics during the last 20,000 years. Journal of Biogeography, 45 pp. 1019–1030.

WTo Top

Wierzbowski, Andrzej; Barski, Marcin; Coe, Angela L.; Hounslow, Mark W.; Matyja, Bronisław A.; Price, Gregory D.; Wierzbowski, Hubert; Wright, John K.; Atrops, with contributions from Francois; Grabowski, Jacek; Mattioli, Emanuela; Morton, Nicol; Ogg, James G.; Olóriz, Federico; Page, Kevin; Parent, Horacio; Przybylski, Piotr; Schweigert, Guenter and Villaseñor, Anna Bertha (2023). The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Kimmeridgian Stage (Jurassic System), at Flodigarry, Staffin Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK. Episodes, 46(2) pp. 281–307.

Williams, Joseph J.; Gosling, William D.; Brooks, Stephen J.; Coe, Angela L. and Xu, Sheng (2011). Vegetation, climate and fire in the eastern Andes (Bolivia) during the last 18,000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312(1-2) pp. 115–126.

Wierzbowski, Andrzej; Coe, Angela L.; Hounslow, Mark W.; Matyja, Bronislaw A.; Ogg, James G.; Page, Kevin N.; Wierzbowski, Hubert and Wright, John K. (2006). A potential stratotype for the Oxfordian/ Kimmeridgian boundary: Staffin Bay, Isle of Skye, UK. Volumina Jurassica, 4 pp. 17–33.

Weedon, G.P.; Coe, A.L. and Gallois, R.W. (2004). Cyclostratigraphy, orbital tuning and inferred productivity for the type Kimmeridge Clay (Late Jurassic), Southern England. Journal of the Geological Society, 161(4) pp. 655–666.

Weedon, Graham P.; Jenkyns, Hugh C.; Coe, Angela L. and Hesselbo, Stephen P. (1999). Astronomical calibration of the Jurassic time scale from cyclostratigraphy in British mudrock formations. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 357(1757) pp. 1787–1813.


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